The Karachi Literature Festival 2024 opened up on a great note with some key sessions on opening night. The session, Gandhi & Jinnah Return Home plus movie screening was one of the several ones up there this year. Akbar Ahmed’s play was shown in the form of a movie at KLF 2024 with a full panel session on key components of the Pak-India Relations amidst the murmurs of talks which are rising for a reset between the two countries. Panelists included names such as the Director Manjula Kumar (Washington DC), Dr. Farrukh Iqbal and Haya Sehgal and Aizaz Choudhry. The topics were centered around peacebuilding values, using arts as a means to create better dialogues for the future.
The interactive panel discussion brought forth much flavor and openness of conversation like never before. Before the panel session there was a movie screening of the play creating the tone for the festival.
The play itself which was initially held in Washington DC at the American University was based on dialogue of how the two dynamic leaders would feel should they visit their respective countries in modern times.
It seems apparent from the play and the efforts of Akbar Ahmed, that there are voices on either side, civilians who do want peace between the two countries. Manjula Kumar the Director of Indian origin speaks about peacebuilding as the light that might be the next steps forward through a cultural exchange. She has formerly worked at the Smithsonian Institution.
She told us, “I am thrilled to have visited Pakistan to participate in the KLF. A lot of learning through interesting sessions an exciting exchange between fellow panelists.”
Dr. Farrukh, is the former Executive Director of the IBA. Speaking of the panel session, Dr. Iqbal said, “The number of people who came by to see the play was encouraging. It suggested an abiding interest in the histories and futures of India and Pakistan. The points emphasized by the moderator were helpful in propelling the panel discussion along productive lines.”
Haya Fatima Sehgal the author and poet, was the moderator of the panel session. Her expertise is on security as well as the cultural value systems of Pakistan. She has spoken about “Jinnah’s Pakistan’ through various articles.
Several key discussion points have been highlighted in the panel discussion which were vital to touch upon such as peacebuilding through the arts, ‘Jinnah’s Pakistan and its fragile existence in the true sense.
The real question asked would be how open would the general public be now beyond KLF?
The Karachi Literature festival has manifested itself into the hub of the arts and literature. Presently, under the leadership of Arshad Hussain and Raheela Baqai it sees newer dimensions that have allowed the festival to bring life to the intellectual space.
As one of the discussants said, one can only imagine what would Gandhi & Jinnah find on their way back to their home countries should they have had the chance to see what happened to their vision for either of the two countries.
The panel discussion had several key points that invented a lively discussion for everybody and thoughts to consider. A pertinent question asked from the audience at the Q & A session was would the Director be able to take the play to India?
Akber Ahmed, who is a notable scholar told us, “What a thrill to have my play “Gandhi and Jinnah Return Homeshown in a movie form in Karachi. My message of peace and understanding is spreading. For this I will be eternally grateful to Haya Sehgal who was asked to moderate the panel, Manjula Kumar to launch the movieand Aizaz Choudhry for gracing the panel along with Dr Farrukh Iqbal.”
Although Akbar Ahmed could not make it from Washington for KLF, his viewpoints in the panel would have been interesting to say the least as he was the force behind the panel being there at the Karachi Literature Festival.
Akbar Ahmed is distinguished professor and chair of Islamic studies, school of international service, American University, and Global Fellow Wilson Center, Washington DC.
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